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Mash-Up - Woman Empowerment - 27/11/2023
Mash-Up - Woman Empowerment - 27/11/2023
calendar_today 27/11/2023 15:35
#woman empowerment

Sigla: Ornella Vanoni: Mi piace far l’amore al pomeriggio

Madonna: Nothing Really Matters

Yoko On: Yang Yang

Tina Turner: River Deep, Mountain High

Beyoncé: Run The World Girls

Gabriella Ferri: Lasciami Sola

Angelique Kjo: Yamaya

Raffaella Carrà: A far l’amore comincia tu

Lizzo: Good as Hell

Gaye Su Akyol:Istikrarli Hayal Hakitattir

Portishead: Glory Box

Anouk: Nobody’s Wife

Gianfranca Montedoro: Che pazzi i pagliacci

Phyllis Dillon: Woman of the Ghetto

Nina Hagen: Wenn ichan dich denk

Sampa The Great: Energy