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Radio Popolare
Mash-Up di lunedì 20/02/2023
Mash-Up di lunedì 20/02/2023
calendar_today 20/02/2023 15:35
MASCHERE con @matteovillaci

Marracash: Pagliaccio
Helen Reddy: This Masquerade
Placebo: Pierrot the Clown
Litfiba: Pierrot e la luna
Smokey Robinson: The Tears of a Clown
YMO: Behind the Mak
Alberto Camerini: Rock’n’roll Robot
The Cardigans: Carnival
Duran Duran: Rio
Ivan Graziani: Zorro
Laurie Anderson: O Superman
Ennio Morricone: A fistful Of Dollars
Prince: Batdance
Sherin: We Meen Ekhtar
David Bowie: Ziggy Stardust