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Jazz Ahead di mercoledì 30/12/2020
Jazz Ahead di mercoledì 30/12/2020
calendar_today 30/12/2020 09:00
Jazz Ahead 106 (Best of 2020) - Playlist: 1. Show Me a Prison, Kassa Overall, I Think I'm Good, Brownswood Recordings, 2020..2. Arcadia, Stefano Tamborrino, Seacup, Tuk Music, 2020..3. Hurt Cult, Heroes Are Gang Leaders, Artificial Happiness Button, Ropeadope Records, 2020..4. The Tree and The Water, Danilo Gallo Dark Dry Tears, Hide. Show Yourself!, Parco della Musica Records, 2020..5. Not Even Equal, Aparticle, The Glamour Action, UR Records, 2020..6.Emilio Fede’s Sound of Love (Ponte Cavallo Disco Edit), Crisco 3, Cosa c'è lì non c'è, Aut Records, 2020..7. Pocket Poem, Anthony Pirog, Pocket Poem Cuneiform Records, 2020..8. Qalb-il verde, Federica Michisanti Horn Trio, Jeux de Couleurs, Parco della Musica Records, 2020..9. The Gecko, Ferdinando Romano, Totem, Losen Records, 2020