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Jazz Ahead 24
Jazz Ahead 24
calendar_today 27/02/2019 09:00
Apriamo con una delle ultime chicche del jazz londinese e poi arriva In studio con me il chitarrista Alberto Turra, che come ci dirà è veneto, milanese, newyorchese, solo, in trio, in duo, in tanti, innamorato...1. Mirrors, SEED Ensemble, Giftglass, Jazz Re:freshed, 2019..2. Stargaze nr 1: KATIN, SEED Ensemble, Driftglass, Jazz Re:freshed, 2019..3. Stargaze nr 2: LAU, SEED Ensemble, Driftglass, Jazz Re:freshed, 2019..4. Trevor, Alberto Turra/The TAAN Trio, The TAAN trio live at Easy Nuts Lab, Felmay/Chant Records, 2019..5. Balcano, Alberto Turra/The TAAN Trio, The TAAN trio live at Easy Nuts Lab, Felmay/Chant Records2019..6. Black Madonna, Alberto Turra/The TAAN Trio, The TAAN trio live at Easy Nuts Lab,Felmay/Chant Records 2019