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Radio Popolare
Jazz Ahead 45
Jazz Ahead 45
calendar_today 23/10/2019 09:00
Playlist: 1. Haden is Beauty, James Brandon Lewis, An Unruly Manifesto, Relative Pitch Records, 2019..2. Hydraulic Empire, Ghost Horse, Trojan, Auand/Mathematics, 2019..3. Five Civilized Tribes, Ghost Horse, Trojan, Auand/Mathematics, 2019..4. Forest For Trees, Ghost Horse, Trojan, Auand/Mathematics, 2019..5. Beyond All Limits, Steve Lehman, The People I Love, Pi Recordings, 2019..6. Curse Fraction, Steve Lehman, The People I Love, Pi Recordings, 2019..7. Life, Matthew Halsall, Oneness, Gondwana Records, 2019