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Jazz Ahead di mercoledì 22/09/2021
Jazz Ahead di mercoledì 22/09/2021
calendar_today 22/09/2021 09:00
Jazz Ahead 140 - Playlist: ..1. Bomi, Nosax Noclar, red Sisters, Yolk Records, 2021..2. Maja Yoka, Nosax Noclar, red Sisters, Yolk Records, 2021..3. Le Reve, Nosax Noclar, red Sisters, Yolk Records, 2021..4. Damn Spring, Simone Graziano, Embracing The Future, Auand, 2021..5. Always Whispering, Simone Graziano, Embracing The Future, Auand, 2021..6. Nihilo, Simone Graziano, Embracing The Future, Auand, 2021..7. Tancredi, Simone Graziano, Embracing The Future, Auand, 2021..8. Pace, Nubya Garcia Moses Boyd Remix, Pace, Concord Jazz, 2021..9, Stand With Each Other, Nubya Garcia KeiyaA Remix, Concord Jazz, 2021..10. Il Vento è fuori, Filippo Macchiarelli, Il Vento è Fuori, Abeat Records, 2021 11. Out to Get In, Filippo Macchiarelli, Il Vento è Fuori, Abeat Records, 2021