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Jazz Ahead 83
Jazz Ahead 83
calendar_today 22/07/2020 09:00
Una versione estiva della trasmissione, con tantissimo ascolto di brani usciti tra la fine dell'inverno e l'estate del 2020. Playlist:..1. Sovation, Satoyama, Magic Forest, Auand, 2019..2. Storm Before The Calm, Yussef Dayes feat. Tom Misch, What Kinda Music, Blue Note Records, 2020..3. The Gecko, Ferdinando Romano, Totem, Losen Records, 2020..4. May 23rd, Luca Sguera AKA, Berlin Sessions, Auand, 2020..5. Finally The Man Cried, Shabaka and The Ancestors, We Are Sent Here by History, Impulse! Records, 2020..6. Elephant Graveyard, Hobby Horse, Goodnight Moon, Auand Records. 2020..7. Shades of Flu, Kassa Overall, Shades Of Flu, Autoproduzione, 2020..8. March, Franco D'Andrea New Things, New Things, Parco della Musica Records, 2020..9. Tulips, Damu the Fudgemunk, Archie Shepp and Raw Poetic, Ocean Bridges, Redefinition Records, 2020