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Jazz Ahead 10
Jazz Ahead 10
calendar_today 21/11/2018 09:00
Agenda della settimana con Nicola Conte e Gianluca Petrella in sottofondo e via, una sfilza di brani presi da 5 dischi italiani e non pubblicati tutti (ma quasi) nel 2018...1. Farenheit 7.1, Kings and Bastards, Roberto Negro, CamJazz, 2018..2. Boboto, Kings and Bastards, Roberto Negro, CamJazz, 2018..3. Sfera, Magnelli Trio A032, Dress Code,, 2018..4. Loving Bells, Magnelli Trio A032, Dress Code,, 2018..5. We Are Soldiers In The Army, Marc Ribot feat. Fay Victor, Songs of Resistance 1942-2018, Anti-, 2018..6. Spirit Splitter, Mary Halvorson Octet, Away With You, Firehouse, 2016..7. My Mind I find In Time, Mary Halvorson, Code Girl, Firehouse, 2018..8. Me, JayVe and The Big bee, Ben LaMar Gay, Grapes, INternation Anthem Recording Lb, 2018..9. The Glorification of Small Victories, Ben LaMar Gay, Grapes, INternation Anthem Recording Lb, 2018..10. 7am Sunday Morning, Ben LaMar Gay, Grapes, INternation Anthem Recording Lb, 2018