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Jazz Ahead 87
Jazz Ahead 87
calendar_today 19/08/2020 09:00
Con immenso piacere Francesco Bigoni torna a Jazz Ahead per presentare Dielectric, nuovo album del quintetto Italo-germ-danese On Dog...1. Dielectric, On Dog, Dielectric, Ilkmusic, 2020..2. Nimmersatt, On Dog, Dielectric, Ilkmusic, 2020..3. J'accuse Mancoose, On Dog, Dielectric, Ilkmusic, 2020..4. Slides, On Dog, Dielectric, Ilkmusic, 2020..5. The Cat Takes Revenge and Kills Curiosity, On Dog, Dielectric, Ilkmusic, 2020..6. Ghostststs, George Cory Todd, Not Even The Ghosts They Were Remix EP, Atlantic Rhythms, 2020..7. Not Even The Ghosts They Were, George Cory Todd, Not Even The Ghosts They Were Remix EP, Atlantic Rhythms, 2020