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Jazz Ahead di mercoledì 11/11/2020
Jazz Ahead di mercoledì 11/11/2020
calendar_today 11/11/2020 09:00
Jazz AHead 99 - Playlist: 1. The Lemon Trees, Mary Halvorson's Code Girl, Artelssy Falling, Firehouse, 2020..2. Last-Minute Smears, Mary Halvorson's Code Girl, Artelssy Falling, Firehouse, 2020..3. Artlessy Falling, Mary Halvorson's Code Girl, Artelssy Falling, Firehouse, 2020..4. Made of Bones, Gabrio Baldacci, Nina-Tambrio, Auand, 2020..5. Potamba, Gabrio Baldacci, Nina-Tambrio, Auand, 2020..6. Part I, Gianmaria Aprile, Rain, ghosts, one dog and empty woodland, We Insist! Records, 2020..7. Part III,Rain, ghosts, one dog and empty woodland, We Insist! Records, 2020..8. Part IV, Rain, ghosts, one dog and empty woodland, We Insist! Records, 2020