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Jazz Ahead 55
Jazz Ahead 55
calendar_today 08/01/2020 09:00
Dopo le puntate andate in onda dopo le vacanze di Natale, riprendiamo i nostri ascolti dedicati all'attualità discografica...1. Weed And Love, Al Doum and The Faryds, Spirit Rejoin, Black Sweat, 2018..2. Old New, Tomeka Reid Quartet, Old New, Cuneiform Records, 2019..3. Aug 6, Tomeka Reid Quartet, Old New, Cuneiform Records, 2019..4. Saidie, Tomeka Reid Quartet, Old New, Cuneiform Records, 2019..5. Tension and Relief 1, Cuneman, Tension And Relief, UR Records, 2019..6. Tensione and Relief 2, Cuneman, Tension And Relief, UR Records, 2019..7. Tension and Relief 3,Cuneman, Tension And Relief, UR Records, 2019..8. Beranche, Gallo/DeRossi/Speed/Ribot, Midnight Lilacs, UR Records, 2019..9. Rosita, Gallo/DeRossi/Speed/Ribot, Midnight Lilacs, UR Records, 2019