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Jazz Ahead 47
Jazz Ahead 47
calendar_today 06/11/2019 09:00
Dopo l'agenda con salti da un festival jazz all'altro attraverso L'Italia, due album con al centro un lavoro sulla poliritmia attraverso cui esprimere sentimenti, critiche politiche e sociali, ricordi. Playlist: 1. Source, Nubya Garcia, Where We Are, Nyasha Records, 2018..2. The Fifth Monk, Makaya McCraven, Universal Beings, International Anthem, 2018..3. Gloaming, Mark Dresser Seven, Ain't nothing but a Cyber Coup and You, Clean Feed Records, 2019..4. Ain't nothing but a Cyber Coup and You, Mark Dresser Seven, Ain't nothing but a Cyber Coup and You, Clean Feed Records, 2019..5. Unsleepers, Simone Graziano Frontal, Sexuality, Auand, 2019..6. Sexuality, Simone Graziano Frontal, Sexuality, Auand, 2019