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Jazz Ahead di mercoledì 04/11/2020
Jazz Ahead di mercoledì 04/11/2020
calendar_today 04/11/2020 09:00
Jazz Ahead 98 - Playlist: 1. Carillon, Figli di Pulcinella, Figli di Pulcinella, Autoproduzione, 2015..2. Theme Nothing, Jaimie Branch, Fly or Die, International Anthem, 2017..3. Hold, Maria Faust, Sacrum Facere, Organ, Stunt Records, 2020..4. Zapatoca, Alessandro Lanzoni, Seldom, CAM Jazz, 2014..5. Play, Clock's Pointer Dance, Clock's Pointer Dance, UR Records, 2017..6. Miss Nealie Burns, Ben LaMar Gay, Downtown Castle Can Never Block The Sun, International Anthem, 2018..7. Black Pipes Suite Word Of Mouth, On Dog, Dielectric, Ilkmusic, 2020..8. Five Civilized Tribes, Ghost Horse, Trojan, Auand, 2019..9. The Eleventh Hour, James Brandon Lewis, An Unruly Manifesto, Relative Pitch Records, 2019..10. Styx, Aarset/Petrella/Rabbia, Lost River, ECM, 2019..11. Vienna, Juan Pastor Chinchano, El Regreso, Quinto Pulso, 2019..12. Oitava Hora, Romulo Froes, Disco das Horas, YB Music, 2018