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Jazz Ahead 54
Jazz Ahead 54
calendar_today 01/01/2020 09:00
Buon 2020 a tutti con l'ultima tranche dei brani più significativi per Jazz Ahead nell'ormai andato 2019...1.Ballad for An Optimist, Le Rex, Escape of The Fire Ants, Cuneiform Records, 2019..2. Chance, Steve Lehman, The People I Love, Pi Recordings, 2019..3. Vienna, Juan Pastor Chinchano, El Regreso, Quinto Pulso, 2019..4. Imaginary Friends, Ralph Alessi, Imaginary Friends, ECM, 2019..5. Radiation, Theon Cross, Fayah, Gearbox Records, 2019..6. Postludium and A Kiss, Giovanni Guidi, Aver Les Temps, ECM, 2019..7. Leaving, Luca Flores, Innocence, Auand, 2019..8. Morte di Un Cactus, Mirko Cisilino, Effetto Carsico, Auand, 2019..9. Love Song, Jaimie Branch, Fly or Die II, International Anthem, 2019